About Yasminka owner and book author PhDr. Hana Yasminka Tavlaridis (Šimčíková) - CEO Yasminka

She is a respected professional aromatherapist who deals with aromatherapy and herbs not only in the theoretical aspect. She is trying to grasp this field holistically and connect it with a number of other recognized disciplines.

For many years she has been leading the Holistic Aromatherapy School in the Czech Republic, she is a co-publisher of the Czech Aromatherapy Society and president of the Institute of Slovak Aromatherapy and Phytotherapy.

She deals with the production and use of essential oils, flower waters directly in the countries of their origin.

Yasminka has traveled through many countries, islands, near and far East, China, Nepal etc., where she has gathered a variety of experience and knowledge that it lovingly uses in the production of Yasminka products.

She is one of the first experts to start teaching plant distillation, spices, wood and resins in the Czech and Slovak Republics. She also organizes unique professional training of plant distillation. More in the Section Seminars - Seminar dates.

She is a frequent guest of international aroma conferences, various media programmes on television: ČT1 (e.g. show Sama doma), TV Markíza (Teleráno), Prima (Topstar). You can find her many professional contributions in a variety of popular and professional magazines.
With all her spirit she works for Yasminka aromatherapy cosmetics and strives to make our Yasminka cosmetics with the greatest quality and love. She selects her essences and oils exclusively in person around the world and carefully considers her suppliers. She knows the story of every essential oil and where it comes from. The work is her love, and who has assisted her seminars or training will understand that immediately.

Book annotation that you can purchase on our website:

"In this spirit, the first original aromatherapy travel book in the Czech Republic and Slovakia."

The book deals with travel for herbs, spices, resins, plants as part of aromatherapy and phytotherapy. The book is also for those who are not acquainted yet with aromatical herbs. These are engaging stories from all over the world - islands in the Indian Ocean, Pacific, Asia, Africa, Europe and elsewhere. You will learn how people there perceive aromatherapy, how they make different essential oils, herb recipes or dishes in gastronomy from their gems of nature. You will learn all about different people and their stories. All countries are color-likely described by the author's authentic view, not only in terms of aromatherapy, but also in all the remarkable spectrum of life that exotic areas offer.
The book will take you to mysterious journey full of colorful fragrances.
All you have to do is open up, feel and start reading...