How to enrich our life with the healing of aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy - the healing power of oils can be used in many different natural ways. This can improve the quality of your life – boost energy, establish harmony, clear the ambience etc.
At home, we will use especially when massaging our children, for partner massage or massage of stiff and painful muscles. ​
Add 10 - 25 drops of essential oil (according to the type of essential oil) into 100 ml of base - massage oil (Almond, Jojoba, St. John's wort, Sesame, etc.).
For relaxation, soothing, warming up, etc. ​
Stir in 2 tablespoons of basic bath oil or cream or honey or neutral liquid soap or a bit of sea salt. ​
Dosage ​
· 5 - 15 drops for a full bath (always according to the type of essential oil) ​
· 3 - 5 drops for the seat bath ​
· 3 - 5 drops for foot baths
Skin care
Most natural cosmetics use the beneficial effects of essential oil on the skin. ​
You can create your own skin product. ​
Face oil ​
Add 5 - 10 drops of essential oil per 100 ml of base - oil (e.g. Jojoba, Almond, Pomegranate, or oil mixture). ​
Facial steam bath ​
Add 1 - 2 drops of essential oil to 2 liters of water. ​
Face mask ​
Mix 3 tablespoons of soil (e.g. lava ground) with a little bit of water and a little bit of base - oil for a smooth paste and add 1 - 3 drops of essential oil. ​
Lotion ​

Add 2 - 3 drops of essential oil or aromatic synergy to 100 ml of water and 5 - 10 ml of bio alcohol and stir well.